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Dental Prosthetics

Dental Prosthetics

Lumident Studio is a dental office that offers daily dental prosthetics services to all of our patients. Advanced caries can lead to the loss of teeth, as well as root infection and some type of trauma. Prosthetics is a branch of dental medicine that deals with the replacement of lost teeth and restoration of the function and aesthetics of the dental line. Lumident Studio offers a wide selection of prosthetics, so that every patient can regain a healthy and attractive smile. It is, beyond doubt, the main factor when it comes to overall facial appearance. 

Our dentists will help you choose the perfect prosthetic option for your problem.


When do you need dental prosthetics?

Who is dental prosthetics intended for?

Dental prosthetics is recommended for people who are missing one or more teeth, when the crown is heavily damaged due to caries or fractures. The primary purpose of dental prosthetics is to restore chewing and speech abilities, as well as getting the desired aesthetic results. 

Dental Crowns Implantation

Dental crowns can be placed on polished teeth or implants that serve as natural root replacement. They are often placed on heavily damaged natural teeth in order to strengthen them and restore a natural look. They can also be placed on worn out or darkened teeth for aesthetic reasons. Dental crowns can be either metal-ceramic or non-metal (made out of zirconium, lithium disilicate or Emax press ceramics).

Placing Dental Bridges

Dental bridges are used to replace two or more missing teeth. They consist of two or more interconnected crowns that are placed on natural teeth or implants.

Placing Dentures

Dentures are placed usually when there's a more significant loss of teeth. Their purpose is to replace all the teeth in the jaw. There are two types of dentures: complete (when all the teeth are missing) and partial (when there are some remaining natural teeth). Regular dentures have a number of drawbacks when it comes to functionality. They tend to fall out, cause irritation, speech defects, or long period of adaptation. That is why most dentures nowadays get placed on dental implants, usually on 4 implants (ALL ON 4) or 6 implants (ALL ON 6). This way, the denture is fixed on the implants, doesn't move, and provides a better look.


Postavljanje proteze

Proteze se postavljaju uglavnom, kod većih gubitaka zuba, a izrađuju se i kako bi zamenile sve zube u vilici. Postoji nekoliko vrsta proteza: totalna proteza (koda nedostaju svi zubi u vilici) i parcijalna proteza (kod nedostatka više zuba).  Obične proteze imaju puno nedostataka kada je funkcionalnost u pitanju. Obično su to: ispadanja proteze, žuljanja proteze, promene u govoru i iziskuju dug period adaptacije na njih. Iz tog razloga se danas proteze sve češće ugrađuju na zubne implantate i to na: 4 implantata ( ALL ON 4) ili na 6 implantata (ALL ON 6). Kad je zubna proteza fiksirana na implantatima, ona je čvrsta, ne žulja i uglavnom osigurava bolji estetski izgled.