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Laser Therapy

Lasers are used today for numerous stomatological procedures. Lasers are based on the light of electromagnetic radiation. Depending on the tissue they're used for, lasers can be divided into high and low radiation energy lasers.

One of these types of laser treatments is called Photodynamic therapy. This therapy is based on the use of low radiation energy lasers that activate the photo-active substance. This substance has the ability to tie itself to various harmful tissue cells, bacteria, fungi, and viruses that are eliminated with the use of lasers.

These lasers became incredibly useful in parodontology, endodontics, treatment of oral diseases (candida), and all surgical procedures.

It is important to understand that the main goal of periodontitis is the elimination of bacteria and all the pathogens that persist in the inflamed gums and pockets. Manual treatment of pockets only has the success rate of about 75% when it comes to removal of bacteria, and usually leads to the return of a much worse infection. That is why experts recommend the use of laser-photodynamic therapy after the treatment of periodontal pocket.

The process is painless and lasts about 30 minutes. The treatment is recommended 7 days after the causal therapy.


Are the lasers the solution of the problem?

Using the laser to cut the gums or treat periodontal pockets is no solution to the problem. Although it sounds good: cutting the gums without blood, pain and treating periodontitis using just the laser... It sounds good but it's far from ideal because the condition can come back and become even worse.

That is why it's necessary to manually remove the pathological content, treat the pockets, removing the plaque and only then treating the part with laser that will annihilate all the bad bacteria and significantly reduce the chance of periodontitis returning.

Depending on the degree of periodontitis, the therapy may consist solely on periodontal pocket treatment - causal therapy with the use of photodynamic laser. On the other hand, if the disease has spread and there's been a loss of bone, it is necessary to conduct surgical therapy after the causal one.

Laser is not almighty and the patient must realize that the bone won't regenerate by itself. That is why it's necessary to add artificial bone to the previously treated periodontal pockets.

The success of the treatment, of course, depends on the regular checkups with your dentist.

Laser Photodynamic Therapy


Photodynamic therapy is a concept based on the use of low-energy radiation laser and photoactive substance.

Photoactive substance is most commonly blue. It is applied onto the tissue or the surface of the tooth, implant and ties itself to the harmful substance, cells, bacteria, viruses, fungi, and colors them. Low frequency laser activates this substance, which leads to the annihilation of all the tied organisms.

The traditional methods only eliminates about 50 to 75 percent of all the harmful microorganisms, which leads to relapse of all the diseases and inflammation processes. That is why it's recommended to use photodynamic therapy on the tissue after the conventional method.

Most of the time, only one treatment with this laser is necessary, although sometimes it's necessary to repeat it 2 or 3 times, depending on the severity of the inflammation. Sometimes, therapy needs to be continued according to a 2-month or 3-month plan.

When is it used?

With the treatment of periodontitis and parodontosis, after the periodontal pockets are treated

Pre-prosthetic preparation of the tissue, after dental polishing

Surgical therapy of periodontitis

During apicotomy, surgical therapy of the cists, and pathological processes.

With implant-related diseases

Therapy of gangrenous teeth

Therapy of teeth with small cysts that are not for surgical therapy

Speeds up and reduces pain after teeth extraction